Psychological Assessment of Disordered Thinking and Perception

Barnes & Noble
Published by: American Psychological Association; 1st edition
Release Date: July 27, 2021
Contributors: Dr. Irving B. Weiner
Pages: 365
ISBN13: 978-1433835605
This essential single-source guide to multimethod psychological assessment of disordered thinking and perception offers practical insights for applying key evaluation measures and strategies, along with important contextual considerations.
It provides mental health professionals with valuable empirical and interpretive support as they answer assessment questions for diagnostic and decision-making purposes.
Chapters are written by assessment psychologists who are renowned for their expertise and contributions in developing and researching specific assessment instruments or topics. They provide up-to-date information about widely used self-report measures and interview techniques, performance-based tests, and cognitive and neuropsychological measures, including their conceptual basis, psychometric properties, empirical support, and key interpretive elements.
Additional chapters review special developmental and cross-cultural considerations, as well as guidelines for forensic assessments.
Two in-depth case examples provide comprehensive illustrations of the multimethod evaluation process with an adolescent and an adult.
"This is a powerhouse of a book, edited by the two most esteemed psychological assessment experts on the subject of disordered thought and perception. The chapters are written by a who’s who of psychological assessment experts in the given area of their chapter, covering major topics in the assessment of disordered thinking and perception. This book is destined to be the major reference for psychological assessment practitioners across a broad range of applications."
–F. Barton Evans, PhD, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (ret.), George Washington University School of Medicine, Washington, DC, and Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (ret.), East Tennessee State University College of Medicine, Johnson City